The Emoticon Generation Blog Tour

I’m a bit late with the announcement, but April kicks off The Emoticon Generation Blog Tour, sponsored by Little Red Reviewer. Here’s a blurb straight from the proverbial horse’s mouth:

“The time has come everyone, and I am thrilled to announce the beginning of Guy Hasson’s THE EMOTICON GENERATION blog tour!  During the month of April,  you’ll see book reviews, interviews of and guest posts by Mr. Hasson, and yes, giveaways too!  Our tour kicks off … right here, with an excellent interview!

Here’s the schedule, go ahead and bookmark all these folks:

Little Red Reviewer – April 2nd
Over the Effing Rainbow – April 4th
Dab of Darkness – April 6th
Attack of the Books! – April 8th
Postcards from La La Land – April 10th
My Bookish Ways – April 12th
Lynn’s Book Blog – April 14th
Two Dudes in an Attic – April 16th
A Fantastical Librarian  – April 18th”

Note that we’re slated for mid-month with a review. I’m also up for an interview, so I need to get my crap together and have that ready to go towards the end of April. I’ve finished the book already and am excited to write about it. Here is Little Red’s review, just to get things started.

It’s going to take some doing on this end to make sure we’re on schedule, what with US-based family visiting, Japan-based family visiting, and a sudden explosion of gigs. I’ll be splitting book reviewing time with horn section arrangements for Billie Jean, of all things, so there may be a run of shorter posts in the near future. It will all be worth it though, so tune in, check out these other fine blogs, and let’s do what we can to launch Mr. Hasson into worldwide celebrity. We’ll know our job is complete when he is on Dancing With the Stars next month.